Axis Works

Logistics Industrial Development

Bristol, United Kingdom


Hallen Road, Avlon Works, Avonmouth Severnside


Planning Approved/Enabling Works Commenced

The acquisition of the former Avlon Works site, now branded as Axis South West, is EDC’s first ever investment on British soil. The 100-acre redevelopment plot will be one of the largest industrial sites in the Bristol area for logistics and distribution industrial use at practical completion.

The property is one of the largest infill, freehold, and unbroken land redevelopment opportunities in the Avonmouth Severnside Enterprise Area, acting as the major industrial fulfillment hub to the South West of England. Strategically located for local and national distribution via the M49, M4, and M5 motorways providing supply chain efficiencies for logistics operators. Nearby port access offers convenient intermodal connectivity benefitting national and international logistics occupiers.

A world-class logistics and distribution park of regional and national significance is being envisioned for the property. EDC is proposing a masterplan that will feature a sustainable, modern, multi-unit scheme totalling circa 2 million square feet of leasable area at completion.

Have any questions?

Contact EDC today for more information regarding our projects under development.

Epta Development Corporation (EDC)
Epta Development Corporation (EDC)